The Ghost of Neil Diamond Review

The Ghost of Neil Diamond is the best novel I've read in recent years. I have not seen the drama as such, Suite Francaise by Irène Némirovsky.
Novelists can not in their commercial success in four ways: the narrative, architecture, painting and poetry. You probably know what I mean by "telling stories". Great storytelling is exactly this: the ability to make a story, convey the disc. Can a history of anxiety in the school or interstellar war. Regardless, the author weaves aSon, your attention keeps you glad you read the time.
The architecture refers to the confusion of the romance, production and development. War and Peace, a novel that is not like me, impressive in its breadth, it covers the passage of time, space and the people you are. Although the grandeur of the architecture is undeniable, his story is catastrophic. This is a terribly boring book. An epic novel should not be scaled to explain the beautiful architecture. While a book cover can be a singleSpent a day alone in the life of a character through his research into the actions of the character, memories and psyche could be as large as the Odyssey.
A writer can paint portraits, scenes and images are so striking that it is important that the history of the novel and architecture are low. Jim Thompson's The Grifters and The Getaway are like that. When stories do not go, they are terribly interesting, but Thompson has his pen-brush with art that will not come up andafter the seats were very worn.
Poetry and painting are closely related, but not identical. "Painting" for a writer is to help people create unusual, beautiful, or shocking, places or events through the words. The choice of words themselves need not be negligible. At a stroke is low, the author Limn Painting language memorable. Charles Bukowski is the case.
It is very rare writers who can impregnate her prose, poetry here. AndPoems, sonnets, and I do not talk with others. I mean, the language that expresses what we are told only in words. Much can be said about multiple media: books, play movies, comics musical ... Poetry is different. It expresses the experience - the moments, a fleeting meeting - these are only linguistic domain.
A few novels are characterized in all four categories. The spirits of Neil Diamond, as Suite French is such a book.
Frankly, I had a good feelingOn the title Ghost Opening:
"Truly, all the pain.
"Washed with a few splashes of cold water Neil from their sins. He watched them pull the plug on a miserable. Malpractice and bad roads, bad debts and bad memories flowed through the U-curve, and his soul was empty and preparation. An explosion sometimes urinals, the recall of tainted catalog of men who have not reached that point - the last call, swan song. Now rememberthem, he decided. Had her life and mine. He raised his aching head in the mirror. This time. Maybe This Time. "
Sinatra, as he once said: "If you do not like you do not want ice." It's a simple scene, as you: can you imagine a man was washing his face in public toilets. But the painting (the meticulous detail, imaging), together with the inner dialogue of poetry (the character and the skill with which he put it) is exquisite.
"So, what is it?"He asks. On one side is a comedy, "black" as his favorite promotion and advertising. 'Then an engineer. He was ten years ago, he says (see picture), death and rebirth by Neil Atherton, a middle-aged, English folk musician. Well, more folk musicians Yugoslavia. Atherton has spent most of his life touring the folk circuit, salt, dingy bars, and the British Legion Club, Cellar Bar, back rooms, church halls, "the struggle, now, sailing and perfect his art, dormantFolk Revival. But unfortunately, in contrast to rockabilly, big band and ska music, there were folk revival. Folk years dead, is still dead, and is almost certainly dead. (Well, all you that are up to the point of writing angry e-mail, however, there is a lively folk scene in your town, chill. I'm sure there is a groundswell songwriters trills in caves near and wide. But unlike hip - hoppers, their music, not pay their bills. Day jobs in offices, libraries and storesam.), the wife of Neil, Angel, in a last attempt to escape poverty, a lucrative spaceport sales jobs in Hong Kong, attract Atherton.
In Hong Kong, Atherton, anti-establishment, a gypsy troubadour people hold. The thing is, is Mrs. Atherton so eager to keep her husband. To the bustle of Hong Kong, the ruthless meritocracy, Atherton and itching in a new and elegant model made trading. Unemployed and aimless, Atherton holds his self-esteemthe support of life, singing karaoke to the great annoyance of Wifey sympathizers.
One night, a shady local businessman Elbert Chan, Atherton catches fact, "Reason to Believe" by Neil Diamond. Chan, Detection of a hot property ripe for the picking, Neil gives his business card. "If you want to set a few days, some reservations," he said, offering to stop by telephone or to ... I think you're fantastic. Terrific. I really do. At any time. To open the door. Maybe I can service. "
(Minor point: INo mention of Neil Diamond fact, "Reason to Believe" by his Wikipedia page or his singer-songwriter Tim Hardin. What does this mean? Any number of things. Perhaps they should be met Diamond. Wikipedia is far from infallible. Perhaps the author has made a mistake, not a big problem. Perhaps this is an example of a writer rewiring of reality always fit a little "on its architecture in the novel.)
What is the reaction Atherton promising such a reversal? DisinterestCourse. But Angel (now that the interesting choice of name) asks him to accept the offer from Khan. ( "The losers can not choose, Neil.") And so begins the opening to the world of Atherton, Neil Diamond, or more precisely, the world imitating Neil Diamond. Introduction to a cult of personality, literally. Suffice it to say, nothing is as it seems, or as Atherton hopes.
Chan became the second woman Atherton. The relationship is the intimacy and love, but it is very sexual, that is driven by the desireIn particular, the desire for recognition and money. (Neil Diamond.) Like a shrew shrewd, promotes Chan Atherton alternately played down and ignored a special interest, the reverse recovery alone.
Ghost, but it is quite original, follows the topos of the "black" actually innocent suddenly in a strange world and corrupt caught. Although it did not become gangsters or violence, swinging the underground world will be treated just below the surface (pardon) the pun.
I could be morewonderful architecture of the novel, but it would be unfair to you. If a family is known to be able to attend a pilgrimage to a magnificent cathedral, you have no photos of the interior. No, let the stained glass windows, sculptures, and surprise their distance. Effusive and at the risk, you should make a pilgrimage to the spirit of Neil Diamond. This is superb.
Spirit is far more likely that a man in show-business fringe. HeAddresses the authenticity against copying, copy generations, identity, art against commerce, representation and processing. (Andy Warhol would have loved this book.) It is not at all mind is in the Far East, where the factories churn set the origin of the goods produced in the West. The production quality varies from poor quality imitations to significant improvements:
"A beautiful young Chinese girl was dressed in a slide of about sixty silver a little bit" more than a nightgown her ...Downtown is a perfect delivery. Petula Clark had to stay on the screen before the entire song. However, and Petula Clark ignored, irrelevant. Was overshadowed. Trussed Against their better imitators Chinese, Clark - in his thirties, dressed in black and white, 1965, could not compete with them. Even with her only British hit single. It was a discipline on the performance of the young girl who was troubling Neil ... It can be seen was like a mirror image of Clark, except that it was so beautiful andsexiest and most exotic. "
Oh, and if this is not sufficient, the spirit of Neil Diamond and the clash of cultures, entertainment, music, ambition, success, failure, despair, housing and homelessness, music, sex, lust, bloating ...
"When he saw where he could see were his legs under the seat overflow European, Australian and American men trapped in costumes made of silk or linen chinos ... Thai and fished deep and narrow between the buttocks were overcrowdedAsshole, fart and shat on long-haul flights to and from all the capitals of the world. Asshole that shit Hyatt in Asia, the wind, broke into the conference rooms perfumed with rose water, Macao and Shenzhen and Guangzhou. "
It is a hysterically funny, but it is also an example of Poignant Ghost - Yes, I said Poignant - Poetry.
If you are not able to see poetry in farts - although, hey, is passing gas as a part of life to work, eat andsex - enjoy this passage from the end of the novel, when Atherton and Chan have a working lunch in a hotel coffee shop Swank. Atherton provides breathtaking views of the restaurant:
"Now, drank his second cup of coffee, Neil came to see how the end of his power. It is not only the landscape itself, with all their thoughts to hatch, and frustrations. It is the silence of the scene through the glass. The silence All told, so to speak. The cleaning station in the harbor wasthe weight of heavy traffic - ferries, barges, crane barges and ships - and yet everything passed without a sound, not a hundred meters. In the vicinity of the traffic on the massive walls of glass was a danger lightly, but was eliminated, silenced, it was not a word about it. The risk was made and forgotten, had touched the bottom of the sea ".
Because the hotel, Atherton took the mind of Hong Kong, a risk and gamble, perhaps the first truly haswhich has always counted. Won? E 'tip. But the spirit is a gamble - the story of a British people from Hong Kong to Neil Diamond? Really? - It is worth shining.
I find fault in Ghost? Some, but once again, as Sinatra said, mention a few. I loved a blurb about David Milne: that is, his past, and how you wrote Damn good.
By the way, if you think it is unlikely that a veteran from the basementNeil Diamond Bar would be the idea that I would draw your attention Phranc [...], all-American Jewish lesbian folk singer, who for a time the audience happy with his homage to Brooklyn with flaps and chest hair, wrong [.. Bud.]. Now that's art.